Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29 :(

Yesterday, Thursday, I went swimming in the pool our site has, and I thought the kids were going to kill me! They like dunking people underwater. Worship last night was the best worship I've been to since 2009. It was really emotional and surrounded by prayer and love. Mr. Tim painted a picture that was just awesome. Watching him work was even better than the finished product, and I would pay all my money for the finished painting. Right now it's friday night/saturday morning... Whatever you consider 1:00. Site was really sad today saying goodbye to the kids. I painted faces today and one of them, when I was done, says, "I'm gonna pay you money!!!" And he laid down a penny for me. It was cute. Sean Marie took us to eat tonight after mega. Now we're in the dorm and I have to take a shower, clean my room, and pack hopefully before I have to be up tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is my last day. I've been really emotional since Tuesday night. I've cried every night since then. I just don't want to leave all my best friends. We were all forced to hang out pushing 20 hours a day at the beginning then it was just something we wanted to do and we got so close so fast and now we are all best friends but we're leaving tomorrow. I hope we can plan something for maybe next summer and see eachother again before we see eachother in heaven. This week was just a really humbling week and God showed me some of the stuff he can do inside me. He broke me so many times until I was shattered and I know he's going to rebuild me to be more like Him but it's really hard to just cope with all these emotions. We have to be out of here before 11 tomorrow. I will be sleeping all day when I get back because I don't see any sleep in my near future. I came into this second week with a really cold attitude like I wasn't going to get that upset when I was leaving but He started working on that Tuesday. He laughed at me and did what he wanted regardless of what I felt and I'm not gonna lie it kind of felt like a slap in the face. But I know it's what I needed. I needed these relationships with my fellow slayers and with my staffer, and I needed to be even more humbled. The slabies are doing a surprise for us now, I'm not really sure what, but I'm a little nervous. PRAY for me please.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crazy days

Yesterday (Tuesday) was crazy. It was really good at the beginning and I had a lot of fun at my site but then we went to worship and I was really upset and couldn't stop crying. Fun fact: the preacher that is preaching this week and next week when I'm here was here in 2009 when our church was here. I remembered his story and he told it again last night and I kind of broke down. Then I was better today and the site went good. I'm getting to go with my church group tonight. we are going to downtown nashville and I believe we are going to try to convince them to go to hard rock. I really super recommend looking up the band "They Came Running." They are our worship band and I absolutely adore all of them. I have to leave soon. More blogs to come.

Monday, June 25, 2012


I just realized how to post pictures on herrrrrrrrrrre! More to come tonight (:

Sunday Night Monday morning

I got my staffer last night! Her name is bekah and she does games and rec so I'm pretty excited about that. And Bekah was off last week so she spent a lot of time with us, and I love her! She's extremely crazy and loud which is good for me, it will definetly stretch my comfort zone! On the way to sites last week we played a game where you "pogoed" off stuff and you had to figure out how to pogo, and I won't reveal how to pogo in this post but I was the last to learn how to pogo. She said she was going to pogo to all these different places and the last one was a place to take awkward pictures with fake people, because there is statues off people in weird poses sitting on a bench or waving to someone, and we got the text and sprinted all the way across campus to try and find her and found her and when she said go we had to find the paper with our name on it and when I found mine I didn't recognize her picture but then I saw it was her and was super pumped... I think I got the best staffer out of the girls, I'm not gonna lie! We greet the fugers and the slabies today, and I'm on team excitement, so I'm pretty excited... ;D I'll be hitting cars and vans with noodles and telling our slabies where to go. We are also making their room signs to put on their door (: I already found like four on twitter and stalked them and tweeted them. Is that weird? ...

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Been a pretty fun weekend with the SLAngers. We went to Opry Mills last night then to wal mart to get breakfast stuff and anything that we wanted. We ate at burger king at the mall last night so I tried the bacon sunday and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty amazing. We went to a church this morning, Mosaic. I wasn't really like a huge fan of the preaching, just because I didn't agree with a lot of the stuff he said. Then we came back and ate lunch. They ordered pizza but I ate a pb&j. We played a lot of games: look up look down, killer eyes, mafia, and hide and seek, which was way super fun. Tonight we are going to eat at like a taco place or something. I was planning on buying three pairs of fuge glasses from the store but ended up only buying one and Jon stepped on them, so I have to wear my Ray Bans and hope they don't get messed up. I'm a little depressed that me and Malik missed church this morning :( I miss my friends. I'm super ready for our campers and slabies to get here though. We're about to go eat soon though, expect another blog tomorrow.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday Night and Saturday

We won Mega last night!!!! There was three heats, two where campers competed against eachother and one where slayers competed against staff. Staff was cowboys and we were indians. They even admitted that they cheated and we still beat them (: It was lots of fun, lost my voice a little though. All the second week slayers left this morning :( after everybody left we went and helped set up for next week. We made run through banners and church group signs. I did run through signs and made them all cutesy, of course. I'm going to attempt to get them to let me do my church group sign and run through banner since we come the week after I leave. The band wore multicolored mustache belts today, it was pretty fabulous. But I've been doing laundry and such. We are leaving around 5 for Opry Mills mall, which is fairly exciting. #polooutfit. just saying. When we get back we're gonna play card and board games. Our whole group is all like best friends and last night and this morning made me think about next week. I didn't want to though. I cried a lot. But I know we'll all be best friends for a long time <3

Friday, June 22, 2012


So today everyone is a little edgy. It could be the lack of sleep or just the fact that we're all around each other so we know we won't hate eachother if we snap a little. We fixed a tomato plant for this woman today. Learned a little about missions in my own backyard. I don't remember anything from last night after I got to the dorm. I was walking with the SLAngers and then a camper I have talked to came up and I was talking to him and walking with them. Then I got to my dorm and Brice walked off and I looked back and all the SLAngers were gone. I was like well I'm too tired to look for them. So I went up to the room and passed out like face down on my bed. My roommate told me she came in and was like "Lauren you have your tennis shoes on and your name tag, you should probably take it off so you don't choke and die." Then I took it off and she said she went out to the hallway and came back and I was completely under the covers and she found me and checked for breathing. Once she realized I was alive she took a picture. Its on my twitter. Then she said I sat up and started beating my pillow pet and flopped back down. I figured all this out this morning. adventurous night. Now I'm ready for worship and we have mega relay tonight! I'm about to go hang out with the SLAngers before worship now.